3 mn read

Describe an experience that demonstrates your interest and commitment to your chosen health profession.

Posted in Health

3 mn read I am a high school student who lives in Washington, DC. My father is working at the American high commission in London. Due to his busy schedules and costly relocations, we preferred to stay in our homeland. My father had a tough time while starting his career, and he didn’t want that his children to […]

2 mn read

Discussion Board Original Post

Posted in Health

2 mn read How can nurses in clinical practice become involved in improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services? What can you do at your current job? How could you become involved in quality and effectiveness initiatives at a state level? National level? What are the specific initiatives currently taking place within your home state? The work […]

2 mn read

Communist Hysteria

Posted in Health

2 mn read In the years following World War II, the United States entered into a Second Red Scare, that is, a second era where fears of communist infiltration of America became widespread. According to the textbook authors, “legitimate suspicious and real fears, along with political opportunism, combined to fuel the nation into a communist scare that came […]

2 mn read


Posted in Health

2 mn read AIDS has been a worldwide pandemic claiming lives of several human beings across the entire universe. It was discovered in 1982 despite claims that it existed much earlier than the year it was discovered. AIDS community member Mary Fisher is happy about her positive HIV status and she is one amongst few who can speak […]

6 mn read

DSM V Case Study

Posted in Health

6 mn read Case history Background information; Miss S is 18 years old high school female student, she has had great potential and was a cheerleader in elementary school. She was neatly dressed in jeans and t-shirt with multiple piercing in her ears and full sleeves tattoos. She was physically fit and not have any severe physical disease. […]

6 mn read

Mapleton Family Medicine Reform

Posted in Health

6 mn read Introduction Mapleton Family Medicine is a medical facility that is faced with challenges on the quality health services and productivity of its staff. Patients to this facility have been complaining about the time it takes to see a physician. It is evident that the physicians are taking too long with the patients, which creates dissatisfaction […]

3 mn read

Adolescents in the United States

Posted in Health

3 mn read Controlling criminal actions make societies and communities safe and secure. Punishing criminals in jails and prisons doesn’t put an end to a crime. Eradicating illegal practices requires a complete and gradual process. This process is known as criminal desistance. Under this criminals go through various treatments and rehabilitation programs. As a result of which they […]

2 mn read

Retin-A cream for Treating Acne

Posted in Health

2 mn read Acne is a common skin disorder caused by the clogging of hair follicles by oil and skin debris. Bacteria can sometimes infiltrate the follicles and Cystic acne is characterized by big, inflammatory pimples. Retin-A is a topical ointment that is excellent for treating inflammatory acne, and it’s especially good for comedonal acne. It is available […]

3 mn read

Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Tretinoin

Posted in Health

3 mn read In dermatology, tretinoin is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs (Retin A). Why? Because it is believed to be the gold standard of anti-aging treatment and most effective skincare treatment available. Due to its massive growing popularity worldwide, several online pharmacies are offering to sell tretinoin online. However, tretinoin is a little tricky to use […]

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