4 mn read

7 easy and gentle exercises for Digestion

Posted in Health

4 mn read Digestion is the process of breaking down the food that we ingest in order to get energy and nutritional value. It is one of the most crucial tasks done by the body, and it is one that we take for granted on a regular basis at times. It is important to have a healthy digestive […]

7 mn read

Evaluation of homeostasis in the Human Body

Posted in Health

7 mn read The concept of homeostasis is key in comprehending the human body’s works. Homeostasis refers to the process of keeping things in constant. The word homeostasis comes from Greek words: “homo,” which means ‘similar’ and ‘stasis’ which means ‘stable.’ Thus, homeostasis is a biological word that refers to a system or mechanism that manages its internal […]

5 mn read

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Posted in Health

5 mn read Shaken baby syndrome (SBS), sometimes known as abusive head trauma (AHT), is characterized by intracranial and retinal bleeding of an infant without an injury evidence and with normal coagulation profile. The main causes of the disorder include physical abuse, neglect, sexual harassment and emotional abuse. The newborns subjected to numerous types of abuses develop physical, […]

27 mn read

Public Health Policies for Childhood Obesity

Posted in Health

27 mn read Abstract One of the major public health issues in nations around the world is the increasing rate of childhood obesity, alongside lacking of health unawareness in parents and peer groups. Over the past decade, obesity has increased in children and adolescents. Many an intervention have been associated with obesity and overweight in children, and a […]

3 mn read

HIV/AIDS in India

Posted in Health

3 mn read The advancement in technology and the field of medicine have increased in the development in the area of medicine and the prevention of deadly diseases. One of the most deadly diseases which impact people globally is HIV/AIDs. Different countries are opting for strategies to improve the health of people and reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS […]

8 mn read

What is Anorexia Nervosa

Posted in Health

8 mn read Anorexia Nervosa is one of the psychiatric illnesses related to eating most common in females (Bulik et al., 2006) and young people (Bergh, Brodin, Lindberg, & Södersten, 2002). The client for this study is a 13 years old girl who lives with her single mother and has no siblings. The mother of Annette, the client, […]

2 mn read

What is Ovarian Cancer

Posted in Health

2 mn read Ovarian cancer occurs when a DNA cell starts working abnormally hence creating cells abnormally growing uncontrollably. Ovarian cancer can affect one or both of the ovaries. The uncontrollable cells can form some tumours and leave them untreated thereby spreading to other body parts. Although it can be scanned and be detected at an early age, […]

3 mn read

The Study of Body Motion or Body Behavior

Posted in Health

3 mn read Humans sometimes communicate non-verbally through the use of body motions and body behavior. We can continuously send nonverbal messages and be judged based on our gestures without someone listening to our speech. People often use body language, referred to as kinesics, as a physical and non-verbal form of communication to convey their emotions and intentions. […]

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