Reasons of Alcohol Addiction

Reasons of Alcohol Addiction
3 mn read

Whenever one talks of alcohol, we always tend to think of fun and positive effects of alcohol to us. Alcohol has its effects on both young and old people. Many teenagers always start drinking due to peer pressure from friends trying to avoid their problems (Korucuoglu et al. 446). What most of these teenagers do not understand is the fact that their problems and depressions can be solved without taking alcohol. Alcohol consumption is harmful to your social, financial and emotional health; it is therefore upon you to ensure you are not swayed away by friends to drink.

Alcohol affects different sexes in different ways. Men who do not take alcohol daily may have highly increased health risks. On the other hand, men taking alcohol daily probably will develop sexual issues in the near future (Korucuoglu et al. 448). Heart disease and even cancer are as well some of the long-term problems. Liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure as well are some of the other long-term problems. Some statistics shows that 26% of deaths among youths falling between 14-26 is due to alcohol and they are as well more likely to get dependent on alcohol than women. Alcohol is also toxic to the testicles and this may end up reducing your libido leading to low sperm production. This can as well lead to stop of their production and as well their movement towards the eggs. All this may end up interfering with the nervous system making it hard for you to have an erection.

As we all know, alcohol is fattening which is obviously unhealthy for us. (Gorka et al. 23). Alcohol fattens by reducing the amount of fat burn hence increase in body fats. Alcohol cannot stay in our body for long and for this reason, on its arrival in the stomach; the body gets rid of it fast before performing any other activity. It therefore takes much time of the body trying to get rid of it instead of burning fats and absorbing nutrients. By this, the body find as another way of dealing with fats and that is absorbing it to the body, which result in an increased body fats. Enlargement of breasts and loss of hair in the body parts is another long-term effect of alcohol.

Drinking heavily can lead to skin disorders and this may end up causing blood vessels in the face to enlarge making ones face look red, besides making you spend a lot of money which may later trigger emotional problems (Gorka et al. 25). It also causes inflammation of red bumps and pus appearance in the face. Heavy drinking may as well cause arthritis, a condition that makes your joints to swell and pain at times. This condition is common to men between the age brackets of 30-60 years. Heavy drinking as well increases the chances of one suffering from liver damage, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many more diseases.

Women also have side effects of alcohol consumption just like men (Blaine et al. 146). Women’s body take a longer period to absorb alcohol into their systems than men and therefore their side effects are not so instant even though when they consume alcohol, they seem to be more affected than men are. Women drinking alcohol may end up losing their fertility completely. Women are exposed to breast cancer when they take alcohol than if they do not. They should avoid alcohol at all cost when they are lactating since alcohol consumption at such a period may be dangerous to the baby.

In conclusion, alcohol consumption should be regarded as a serious matter of concern since it has major drawbacks in our life (Blaine et al. 150). Avoided Binge drinking at all costs and friends taking too much of it are supposed to seek medical attention for proper advisory on how to avoid it. Alcohol should not be treated as a stress reliever but should be taken only if necessary. It is therefore upon teenagers like you and I to ensure that we live a healthy life having the knowledge of what alcohol can do to our life.

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