Social Responsibilities

Social Responsibilities
6 mn read


The catastrophic incident happened in the United Kingdom on the fourteenth of June, resulting in the killing of at least eighty-four people. The fire began at the housing tower when people were sleeping in the residential flats of the tower. The site of the explosion spread to the other parts where around six hundred people were living. With the smog arising from the tower, an awful story was under discussion what were the primary causes of this fire resulting in the death of dozens of people. Where the stakeholders are responsible for this dilemma, a question was hovering in the minds of people. Before the fire erupted in the building, it was under warning for years. Why the policymakers of the government did not care about repeated warnings. The issue of the tower is more than negligence, as it represents a disastrous combination of greed and hubris. Exposing the richness of wealth, the tower has been described by the pundits as a hurricane moment. Those stakeholders, including tenants managing the company, corporation unions, capital class, owner of the tower, the prime minister, concerned minister, municipal authorities, central & local government, and related departments, are the primary responsibility for the tragic fire that exhausted the tower of Grenfell.


The remains of the tower unfolded the real picture of inequality at the heart of the capital. The American newspaper declared it as the atomization of London and reported the story in the leading editorial papers. The national narrative became changed with the reaction of the people. The tower became a metaphor for free market capital, British capital, and society. Those who are observing from abroad are seriously thinking about why fire has charged the political atmosphere. London is, for the outsiders a multicultural city. However, the impression was shattered with the shattering of fire in the tower. Local government in this regard is responsible as people allege that a conspiracy of silence between the representative of local government and those developers that are part of the construction process is giving a very diminishing response. In the same way, redevelopment of the capital estate construction is a question of whether the process is completed in the due period with highly safe buildings or it will face the same situation from the corporate and local representatives (Dening, 2017). The role of the government is also important to note as one MP argue that if the government held adequate account, then information regarding the dealing of estates councils can become public. Despite the way the state has apologized for responding to the incident efficiently and appropriately, still, people are demanding the open accountability of those responsible for the happening. Just reviewing the process would not serve the real purpose. People are right in their demand as the report of the two thousand eleven unfolded that around two-thirds of Britain’s housing blocks are unsafe in the fire.

Members of the political parties in the UK Parliament are also responsible for this tragedy. The members of the resident association explain their mistrust that every disastrous happening always reveals the in-competencies and ineptness of our landlords. With bringing an end to the living conditions and negligence in health and safety legislation, these members inflict upon their principles and leaseholders. Similarly, the management company that is responsible for the maintenance and refurbishment is owned by a proprietor. With the new trend spread across London, the municipal contracted with the KCTMO a non-profit company managing building maintenance and related issues. The company also increases apartments along with the existing flats available for rent. The modification work of the tower left it with one exit and staircase, but the exit which the company failed to keep clear. Protest in this regard about the safety of the living people in towers fell on deaf and dumb ears (Garriga, 2004). Initial reports after the fire took over the tower suggested that the fire spread very fast, thanks to those installed thermal cladding on the exterior side of the tower. The system of alarming was also not working correctly for the whole of the building. People are told to stay in their flats, but the idea fails, as not all homes are fireproof. Instead of accepting the responsibility, KCTMO company demanded the post was taken down, which was uploaded as a protest on the blog of the resident association group.

The devastated tower was proving more than a test for leadership. It has unfolded the catastrophic interventions of humans that was ill judge by the government, which seems more distant from the lives of ordinary people of the society. The deliberated delay in the decision by the concerned minister regarding the up gradation of the fire rules and regulations is also a point excessively noted by the public. Why the authorities are not serious in enforcing the coroner’s recommendations. In the lower blocks, there was the advice to install the retrofit fire and suppressant system. After the incident, the response of the state came, and as the briefing was organized for the MPs did not tell the real story to the nation. Cameras were not on until half of the proceeding of the meeting went through. Two middle-ranking ministers also attended the meeting, which shows the feeling of the government for the distracted families. Little concessions made by the committee for the families affected by the fire, which was rehousing of the homeless people and education of their children, will continue at different schools. The state should have announced a compensation package for those families harmed by the fire in the tower, which would provide them to live like other socially active people in society. It is the prime responsibility of the state to protect its citizen from any threat and give them a decent quality of life.

The responsibility of the corporate sector is to analyze and take complete responsibility for the company’s effects on the environment and the social well-being of the people. It is a mechanism in which business evaluates and ensures compliance with the existing law, prevailing ethics of the society, and the norms that govern the national or international community. The industries and companies if they did not follow the standard rules for their business, would lead to the disaster which happened in the tower in the UK (Joyner, 2002). The corporate manslaughter that was in London must convict all those responsible for the explosion of fire in a public-owned housing block. According to the researchers and members of the parliament, it was not a tragedy but a crime. People were demanding arrests and trials, not for reviewing. It is not the time to consider but to convict all those that are deliberately involved in the incident directly or indirectly. Some writers are of the view that the government itself is included in the mass killing of the people. Many councils in London run by laborers threatened the people against social housing by pushing the complete demolishing of the estates that required refurbishment (Orlitzky, 2003). This is the ineptness on the part of the government, which is dealing with the low-class people in a manner that they are worse than the animal.

The contracting company and the policymakers of the government are approaching a new kind of strategy and planning that improve the building qualities and advance construction. In the coming days, it is expected that a thorough review of the existing system might be considered among stakeholders of the state and private own corporate entities. Issues of scenario planning techniques are also under consideration by the members of the construction industry, but the state is less prepared for this kind of planning technique. However, projects like skills and housing shortage may be initiated by the government, which in turn will accomplish with the corporate sector. Previously HBF, the housing builder’s federation, collaborated on a project with the construction industry and training board the first project of four years for the welfare of people at large. The plan to enhance the building skills of all the firms working in the UK is also under review as the demand of the public for homes is increasing day by day (Sargeant, 2017). By two thousand and twenty, the government has the plan to provide skill-based training to meet the target of building around one million homes. The state is also planning to lunch a comprehensive program for the practice of those workers serving in the construction and corporate sector to enhance the modern-day capabilities of the individual against the requirements. This is necessary in a way that it provides upgrading the entire industry along with the advancement in technology.

Demolishing Grenfell tower will create a number of environmental and social challenges for the people and state of the UK. People will recall hatred and those memories that hurt their feelings against the government. The reaction to the next polls of the UK parliament will also influence by the response of the people. In the same way, the rebuilding of homes for grieved families is also a big task for the state to complete the housing project as soon as possible. Environmental effects of complete demolishing of the tower would include increasing pollution and smog all around. The said pollution will cause health-related injuries, which ultimately affect the socio-psychological issues in society. Air pollution, which is already increasing and polluting the atmosphere of the UK, will eventually enhance the polluted atmosphere of London.


To sum up the arguments, it is a notable point that construction is an essential industry for the progress and well-being of the people at large. However, it is also necessary to bind the corporate sector and the companies to follow the rules and regulations set by the state and legislative bodies. A balanced approach can be applied to share the issues of the community regarding the ineffective buildings and towers built by these industrial sectors. The state will have to take care of those people that are deprived of their fundamental rights of safe living in houses and flats, respectively if not, then disasters like that of the fire explosion in Grenfell tower will continue to happen.

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