6 Reasons why it is the right time to move your accounting systems to hosted QuickBooks?

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Accounting has come a long way since the days of using abacuses and ledgers. These tools have been slowly phased out to make room for more efficient means of accounting management. The new advancements in accounting technologies include hosted QuickBooks. This type of technology is proving to be useful for accounting businesses because it keeps records accurate, incredibly easy to manage, as well as protected from accidental deletion or manipulation. If you’re currently working in accounting or thinking about starting your own business in the near future, then you should know that these kinds of resources are available for use at this very moment!

Today, accounting software can be hosted on cloud platforms. To host your QB on a cloud server is a trend and known as QuickBooks hosting. This is a great way to boost efficiency and save money. It is important to keep your software updated with the latest technology trends in order to remain relevant in today’s market. Businesses that are set up to use cloud-based QuickBooks have many benefits compared to those who aren’t. To shift to the QuickBooks hosted solution, you first need to choose a cloud hosting provider. 

Hosting your financial data online can be a great option for anyone looking for the convenience of accessibility from any place at any time. With QB cloud hosting services you are able to take advantage of many different benefits like high uptime and scalability, flexibility, security and more! Let’s take a look at the factors that encourages businesses to move to the QuickBooks hosting. 

Higher Availability 

As a business owner, you should know that downtime is one of the biggest issues an accountant can deal with, as access to your financial data is very important. With hosted QuickBooks technology, a cloud service provider offers a 99.99 % uptime so that your data is always up and it also helps you to make real-time decision with access to the latest reports.   

Scalable solutions 

Small businesses are on a precarious path to growth as they experience their initial stages of the startup cycle and their chances of successful growth are high, but with growth, comes the need of increasing the resources for your business which is why QB Hosting offers you a flexible cloud solution so that your business will be able to scale up anytime easily. Within just a matter of minutes, a cloud provider can scale the resources on your cloud server as per your growing business needs. 


QuickBooks users can now switch to the cloud to avail all the benefits of moving your accounting solution to hosted QuickBooks, including always-available anywhere access and having more time to focus on growing your business, as your servers will be completely managed & maintained by the cloud provider. It means an increase in the savings as your IT costs will be reduced by more than half of what you might be paying right now with your in house server or local setup. 

Compatible with add-ons 

After you move to the QuickBooks cloud hosting solution, it’s simple to integrate your QB software with specific types of add-ons on the cloud. If you want to customize your software and improve productivity, integrating the software with add-ons is a good choice also. The cloud platform has plenty of compatible tools that can help optimize your business operation and make sure apps are up and running fast.

Collaborated team efforts 

Another advantage of hosted QuickBooks is that it allows you to thrive on multi-user collaboration, the kind that makes possible having multiple people work on a single project in real-time. All these changes will be reflected in real time. You will also have real-time status updates so you will not have to worry if any team member needs immediate help on a project or anything like that!

Disaster Recovery 

Disaster recovery is one of the most important things for businesses to consider as your business can be disrupted in any way. However, if you have found a good QuickBooks hosting solution – then you won’t need to worry about that. Your cloud hosting server will solve all of your disasters making sure your business is never damaged by humans or nature!

It is always essential to have a disaster recovery plan in place for the hosting providers. Even natural or man-made catastrophes can compromise your business and force vital journeys to take a different direction. However, with a QB cloud hosting solution in place, you will be fully secured against any sort of disaster and can avoid these situations from derailing your business plan at all costs!


Managing your accounting business with the help of QuickBooks hosting is a great way to eliminate many of the stressors that you might incur from having to do it yourself. Using affordable QuickBooks cloud hosting is incredibly convenient because as a business owner, you’ll know that all you need is an internet connection and a web browser in order to pay invoices, manage inventory or update certain aspects of your product listings. 

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