How to Stop Bullying in Schools

How to Stop Bullying in Schools
8 mn read

Company names: Bright Star Secondary School

Project leaders: Heather Brown

Cover Letter

Starting in autumn of 2018, the Bright Star Secondary School takes part in a project to protect children “School free of bullying”. Heather Brown is already familiar with such a project – “Kindergarten free from bullying”, now this project will develop and continue in schools.

The method of the project “School free from bullying” helps the child to find solutions in conflict situations and ways to protect himself from the ridicule of peers. The program is based on four core values: tolerance, respect, care, and boldness, and is aimed at three target groups: teachers, parents, and children.

In this project in our school, the following teachers have involved: Salina, class teacher of 1A class; Alena, class 1B class teacher; Janet, class 1C class teacher; Julia, class teacher of the 2D class and Samantha, class teacher of 8A class (students are “best friends” of junior schoolchildren and help to implement the project).

Main tasks of the project:

1. Every week, a big bear comes to visit – Friend

Each student in the class, in turn, takes home a friend – a bear for the weekend, then to tell how they spent time together. Traveling Friend – Bear expands thinking and introduces students to each other, realizing the main values ​​of the program – tolerance, respect, care, and boldness.

2. Use of subject pictures on certain topics

Students using pictures with plots are given the opportunity to discuss the situation depicted in the picture, which could have happened in reality. Students themselves offer options for resolving conflicts. Thus, children learn to analyze and find an outlet in various situations.

3. The book of massage

Whom we touch, do not offend! Massage, as well as other weekly classes, are held to enhance the feeling of unity.

4. “Best friends”

They are friends of the program for junior schoolchildren. The program “best friends” helps senior students to feel their importance in the project and feel responsible for junior schoolchildren, and younger schoolchildren are thereby protected. For example, in the city’s main school, “best friends” for children in the 2nd grade are students of grade 8a.


Not for all of us, children’s and school years were so cloudless. Someone had to face bullies, who intimidated breakfast, and pocket money. Children first encounter violence; they do not know how to resist bullies. What to do and/or try to fight with a superior force of the enemy or complain to teachers and parents, spoiling their reputation? Practice shows that adults also do not understand how to behave in this situation. Bullying of children is a difficult problem that is surrounded by false approaches and misconceptions. Here are the most common mistakes that should be considered. Bullies increase their self-esteem. Studies have shown that not all bullies carry out attacks because of bad self-importance. Some of the most aggressive children are fairly self-confident and socially successful. They just realized that with the help of bullying, they would be able to get more attention, expand their social circle and strengthen their power in the school. Children suffer quite a lot from gossip, rumors about themselves and boycotts. That’s why it’s so difficult to stop bullies, especially in primary and secondary schools. Children scoff at those who are predisposed to it. It is true that some characteristics of the child, such as shyness and unsociability, can increase the chances of persecution on the part of peers. But children are scoffed at more often, not because of the personality of the object, but because the bully just chose such a goal. When trying to explain the bullying, the first thing that they pay attention to is the identity of the victim. The victim is accused that she is to blame for this attitude to herself. In fact, the blame and responsibility for bullying should lie on the bully, not on the pursuit object. And the definition of children as potential victims of hooliganism allows attackers to avoid responsibility. Society seems to justify bullies, saying that if there was a different victim, there would be no bullying.

Project Implementation Plan:


Persecution (or bullying) is not something that happens only in movies or books. This is a real problem which many of children come across every day, and it becomes really dangerous if it does not stop. Learn how to end the persecution by taking urgent measures, find out where to turn for help, and become a good example for others.

Cost of the Bullying Prevention Program

Kit Unit Cost Number of Schools Total
Bullying Prevention Program Kit – Preschool $695
Bullying Prevention Program Kit – Elementary School $849
Bullying Prevention Program Kit – Middle School $849
Bullying Prevention Program Kit – High School $749
Optional: Bullying Prevention Training and Presentation Kit $1,899 for use in one school or $3,950 for district-wide use
Optional: Bullying Prevention Bus Training Course and Strategies Kit $599 1 for District-Wide Use
Shipping 10% (US)
Taxes () or Tax Exempt
Grand Total

Some ways to solve the problem of bullying:

  • Contact the child’s class teacher or the school’s rector and ask for a meeting in which the teacher/rector, offenders, and their parents participate. Discuss the problem in advance with the teacher/rector and possibly with the abuser’s parents. During the meeting, explain to the offenders how hard your child is experiencing bullying. Continue to continue to maintain contact with the parents of the abusers. If you get the impression that the parents of the abusers do not take the situation seriously, try to enlist the support of the training committee, the curator, and the rector of the school.
  • If bullying of the child includes physical violence or threats, you can contact the police. The offensive materials published on the Internet can also cause accusations of offenders in defamation or an occasion in the case of children under the age of 15 applying to the social service for the protection of the rights of the child.
  • In extreme cases, if the school does not treat the problem of bullying seriously or does not attempt to stop them for any other reasons, a child who has been abused is usually forced to change school. School change is an effective tool in most cases, rarely when bullying continues in a new school. There is a big difference between schools, and it is quite possible that in some other schools, the problem of bullying is more effectively solved.
  • Before bullying ceases and after that, it is important to find a child in an environment in which he feels accepted and experiences joy. Such an environment can be found in any mug, section, or in your own yard, where children of the same age are playing. Also, a pet can deliver the necessary communication and a sense of approval to the student.

Take Urgent Action

Look the bully in the eye and ask him to stop. If a bully teases you and you do not like it, if the bully offends or threatens you with physical violence, sometimes eye contact and a calm, understandable “no” becomes a good way to defuse the situation. Tell the bully that you do not like this treatment of yourself and let him stop immediately.

If it’s appropriate, try using laughter to defuse the situation. Hooligans usually try to rise at the expense of those over whom they mock, so if you show that it does not hurt you at all, he or she can surrender and leave you alone.

Do not raise your voice when you tell the hooligan to stop. This can provoke him to continue to tease you or even increase the pressure.

Avoid escalating conflict. To tease a bully in return, call him or threaten violence – all this can only exacerbate the situation. Do not shout, and do not step in the direction of physical violence. A bully is likely to respond with even more violence, and you risk getting as many problems as he or she if you take part in it.

Get help from outside.

Please contact the school administration. Since bullying is very common, every school has a program to eliminate it effectively and effectively. Talk to the principal or the school counselor about the situation to stop it as soon as possible. The steps to be taken will either punish the bully or establish mediation to resolve this issue.

Know that other guys are also faced with a similar problem, so the rules and regulations are invented for a reason.

If you are a parent, arrange a meeting with the school administration instead of trying to resolve the situation on your own.

Call the local law enforcement agency. Certain forms of bullying can be very dangerous, and some even are classified as a crime. If the bullying that you have encountered includes any of these elements, call the district police department.

Physical violence. Bullying can lead to real physical harm. If you are worried that your health or life is in danger, call the police.

Persecution and intimidation. If someone violates your personal space and intimidates you – this is a crime.

Threats to kill or cruelly deal.

Distribution of potentially offensive photos or videos for you without your consent, including photos or videos of a sexual nature.

Clear manifestations of hatred or threats.

Stand up for other people. If you see how someone becomes an object of bullying, stand in front of the bully. The removal from such things to the good does not bring; you must actively intervene and prevent subsequent possible harm to the victim. You can intervene by talking to a bully if you feel that it’s safe for you or tell the school’s leadership what you saw.

If your friends start gossiping about someone, make it clear that you do not take part in such matters.

If you are part of a collective that intentionally leaves someone an outsider, tell the group that you want to include everyone because that’s exactly what it’s worth doing.

If you see how someone clings and is afraid of the safety of this person, immediately inform the school administration about it.

Tell the world that bullying should be stopped. Many schools have anti-bullying companies run by students who want to keep the school safe and friendly. Join a group or organize one in your school to spread awareness of the bullying problem and find ways to solve it.


As soon as possible, report to the police a recent crime that involves an immediate threat to health, life or property if there is not a competent adult nearby who could intervene. Report to the police, even if there is no direct threat; address to the teacher, the director, the nurse, the adviser, or parents if to them you will reach faster than before police, and let they will help you to report to law enforcement bodies.

If you turn to an adult, tell me about all the protective actions that you have taken, and when they find out about it later, they will know that you are a law-abiding citizen and not a dishonest trespasser.

Report all crimes when it’s safe for you, but remember that the process itself is rather difficult. A lot of people, among the police, parents, teachers, and so on, believe that it is wrong to report child crimes within the school and may have to listen to them. Be absolutely honest with adults. This is the best way to get their trust.

Understand what self-defense is, but know your boundaries. This is protection from harm. Sometimes it’s physical; sometimes, it means just running away or getting away from the problem in a different way. The goal of self-defense, if this is a physical clash, to save oneself from physical harm, is nothing more. Actions for self-defense can sometimes be the reason to charge you with a court. You must decide whether it is worth reporting the crime after having taken protective actions.

Remember that if someone deliberately touches you without permission – this can already be a crime, even if the offender is a child. It’s worth telling this to adults you trust, except that it was so insignificant that you gave your consent right after the action was committed.

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