Top 5 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Mobile App Development

6 mn read

Believe it or not artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for 60 years and the technology has evolved vastly over that period. It has permeated different facets of society and there have been numerous discussions about the benefits of artificial intelligence in healthcare, benefits of artificial intelligence in education, benefits of artificial intelligence in the military, among others. But in this post, we will highlight the benefits of the simulation of human intelligence in the realm of mobile apps.

With more than seven million apps available across iOS and Android platforms, it has become crucial for businesses to create an application that will help them stay abreast with the competition and sustain market growth.

Integrating artificial intelligence in mobile apps makes those possible, so it has increasingly become a preferred option for entrepreneurs and business leaders. It will help you build customized mobile apps that offer highly personalized experience to your target users and keep them engaged with your products and/or services.

AI helps in creating more brilliant and smart applications that drastically improve user experience (UX). Moreover, there are several other benefits that AI in mobile app development can offer in terms of improving your business and taking it to the next level. So, if you’re looking to integrate AI in your mobile app, you’re taking the right step.

Artificial Intelligence in Mobile App Development

According to Statista, the global market value of artificial intelligence will cross $89 billion by 2025. It now plays a crucial role in mobile app development as it allows developers to build intelligent applications that can meet complex human needs.

AI helps developers gain a better understanding of user behavior based on their previous activities, such as shopping patterns. This means you can customize your mobile app to meet user needs and expectations, thereby empowering you to improve user engagement and retention. This will give you the opportunity to stay abreast or even stand out from your competitors.

Over the past couple of years, artificial intelligence has proven its significant impact on numerous types of applications. It is now widely regarded a smart technology in all aspects and is now incorporated into development to fix vital issues and deliver better services to users. This immense functionality of AI is being leveraged by a lot of startups, enterprises, and market giants to decrease the gap between them and their users.

Now let’s dive in and see how mobile app development is benefiting from AI. You can then analyze every benefit and consider AI for the growth of your business.

Personalization and Enhanced User Experience

AI makes user interactions more compelling and more intuitive. In essence, it facilitates a more personalized user experience. The process of creating enhanced UX boils down to AI algorithms. Such ‘intelligent’ algorithms can allow for sentiment analysis and instantaneously process data then apply necessary changes to optimize the findings. By continuously learning and making adjustments, the algorithm improves the UX to offer a more engaging and satisfying experience.

AI algorithms can identify instrumental data, such as email browsing details, what types of content a person reads, websites visited and the time spent on those sites. This helps figure out relevant content to write customized emails for customers. AI helps create more meaningful email content for every user by analyzing interests and behavior patterns. This promotes email communication that is more relevant to existing and prospective customers.

Simply put, AI allows marketers to personalize correspondence on an individual level instead of a targeted group. Consumers are more inclined to interact with marketing which has an individualized message, whether it’s a digital ad or a simple email. In fact, studies show that emails with a personalized subject line are 26% more likely to be opened.

Improved Search Functionality

Mobile app developers are taking advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to develop image and voice recognition to enhance app performance. In fact, Google has already leveraged this AI-based solution in what is now known as Google Lens.

It compares objects in your photo to other pictures, then ranks them based on their closeness, relevance and similarity to the objects in the original photo. Lens also uses its knowledge of objects in your image to find other relevant results online. You can also click a picture of a product using Lens and it will provide all the information related to that particular product.

Google first tried using AI in search back in 2015 with a technology called RankBrain. It helps Google understand how words and concepts are related and it can take a broad question and better define how that particular question relates to real-world concepts. In 2015, RankBrain was used in 15% of queries, but in 2022 Google said that figure has risen significantly and the technology is used in all languages and regions.

RankBrain didn’t mark the culmination of Google’s increasing use of AI for search. It was followed by neural matching, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), Multitask Unified Model (MUM), and most recently, Bard, which is set to take on OpenAI’s ChatGPT. All these innovations are welcome because enhanced search will certainly improve user experience by making it more intuitive and user-friendly. It will also boost your conversion rates.

More Powerful App Authentication

AI is set to have a more pronounced impact on mobile app security and user authentication, and this could be pivotal for a lot of businesses and organizations. AI can put up a stronger defense against attacks by hackers and cybercriminals. You can use AI to stay abreast with the latest technological advancements and be able to detect security risks in advance and address them in real-time.

Integrating AI on mobile devices will help apps stay informed about abnormalities and irregularities in user behavior that may be a sign of fraud, thereby reducing threats and vulnerabilities. It is more difficult for hackers to skirt security systems that use AI such as CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). Another thing to consider is AI biometrics authentication as it effectively provides another safeguard against data breach that is crucial for businesses of any scale. Studies show that the correct use of AI security systems will cost businesses less.

With more cutting-edge biometric authentication, identification and verification technology at the disposal of mobile app developers, they can make apps more secure while maintaining accessibility, efficiency and functionality. Overall, AI allows for a foolproof authentication process and a seamless user experience.

Automated Reply Functions

Using AI in app development helps a lot in adding auto-reply features. It will allow you to facilitate communication between your app and its target users. You may have noticed that market giants are already taking advantage of this feature. Google has integrated it into Gmail and it’s called Smart Reply.

This model creates reply suggestions based on a conversation’s full context, not just a single message. As such, the suggestions are more useful to your users. Smart reply quickly generates replies and there’s no need for you to send users’ messages to a remote server. Let’s say you received a message from someone, the auto-reply feature understands it and suggests how you can respond according to the context.

Recommendation Services

If you want to maintain a loyal user base and keep them continuously engaged, it’s imperative to consistently ‘feed’ them with relevant content. Incorporating artificial intelligence in mobile app development will help you achieve that.

For example, 89% of eCommerce apps have the “customers who purchased this also bought” option which comes with a list of product suggestions. It’s not surprising why it’s widely used because it has been proven to increase customer retention rates.

By collating data about your users’ preferences and inputting them in the learning algorithm, your mobile app will be able to make recommendations that are interesting to your customers. Subsequently, it boosts the chances of them making a purchase.

While this type of AI is predominantly used by eCommerce apps and entertainment apps, it can also be used by any business involved in upselling or cross-selling of content.

Final Thoughts

Businesses from various industries are already reaping the benefits of integrating AI in their mobile applications, and it’s likely that this is only the beginning. This means that the earlier you embrace and adopt this innovative technology, the higher the chances of gaining a competitive edge.

AI will help you understand user behavior based on their previous activities. You can therefore customize your app to meet their needs and expectations, which in turn allows you to improve user engagement and retention. This will give you the opportunity to stand out from your competitors and grow your business.

At Jhavtech Studios, we recognize the importance of divergence within mobile app development. As such, we always strive to search for ways to ensure that the apps we build will cater to the needs of users while having a positive impact on your bottom line. Feel free to get in touch if you’re interested in AI app development.

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