My Flight Experience with the Dynam PBY Catalina

4 mn read

The allure of the skies has always captivated me, and as a seasoned RC (radio-controlled) aircraft enthusiast, I’ve had the pleasure of flying numerous models. However, the day I got my hands on the Dynam PBY Catalina was something special. This iconic amphibious plane, known for its service during World War II, has a storied history, and flying a scale model of such an aircraft promised to be an extraordinary experience. Here, I recount my maiden flight with the Dynam PBY Catalina, detailing the preparation, the flight, and the post-flight reflection.

Unboxing and Initial Impressions

The excitement began the moment the delivery truck pulled up to my driveway. I eagerly unboxed the Dynam PBY Catalina, carefully peeling away the layers of packaging. The first thing that struck me was the meticulous attention to detail. The grey and blue paint scheme, the clear cockpit windows, and the intricate decals all contributed to the model’s authentic appearance.

The Catalina’s wingspan, stretching over 1470mm (57.9 inches), is impressive, giving the plane a commanding presence even as a model. The twin brushless motors and the scale-like three-blade propellers hinted at the power this bird would unleash. Assembling the plane was straightforward, thanks to the clear instructions provided. The parts fit together seamlessly, and within a couple of hours, I had the Catalina ready for its maiden flight.

Pre-Flight Preparations

Before taking to the skies, I performed a series of pre-flight checks. Ensuring that the battery was fully charged was my first step. The PBY Catalina is powered by a 3S 2200mAh Li-Po battery, which provides a good balance between flight time and performance. I double-checked the connections, making sure the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) was properly calibrated.

Next, I inspected the control surfaces – ailerons, rudder, and elevator – to ensure they moved freely and responded accurately to my transmitter inputs. I also tested the retractable landing gear, a feature that adds a touch of realism and functionality to this model. Ensuring the plane’s CG (center of gravity) was correct was the final step, crucial for stable flight characteristics. With everything checked and double-checked, it was time to head to the flying field.

The Takeoff

Arriving at my local flying field, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The field was calm, with a slight breeze, perfect conditions for a maiden flight. I set up my gear, making sure everything was in place. The Catalina sat majestically on the grass, ready for its first takeoff.

I decided to take off from the grass rather than a water body for the maiden flight to keep things simple. With the transmitter in my hands, I throttled up gently. The twin motors roared to life, and the Catalina began to roll forward. As it picked up speed, I eased back on the elevator, and almost effortlessly, the plane lifted off the ground. The sight of the Catalina gracefully climbing into the sky was nothing short of exhilarating.

In the Air

Once airborne, the PBY Catalina felt remarkably stable. The wide wingspan provided excellent lift, and the plane responded smoothly to my inputs. I took it easy at first, performing gentle turns and keeping the maneuvers simple to get a feel for the aircraft. The dual motors offered plenty of power, making it easy to gain altitude and maintain a steady flight.

One of the standout features of the Catalina is its scale realism. Watching it cruise through the sky, with its distinct silhouette and twin engines humming, was like stepping back in time. I couldn’t help but imagine what it must have been like for the pilots who flew the full-sized PBY Catalina during its heyday.

As I grew more comfortable, I decided to test the plane’s capabilities a bit more. I performed some loops and rolls, and the Catalina handled them with grace. It wasn’t designed as an aerobatic aircraft, but it was capable enough to perform these maneuvers smoothly. The retractable landing gear also added a layer of fun to the flight. Retracting the gear mid-flight not only enhanced the plane’s aerodynamics but also contributed to its scale appearance.


After a solid fifteen minutes of flight, it was time to bring the Catalina back to the ground. Landing an RC plane is always a mix of excitement and apprehension, especially on a maiden flight. I lined up the approach, keeping my eyes on the model as it descended. The flaps helped slow the plane down, and I gently eased it onto the grass. The Catalina touched down smoothly, and I let out a sigh of relief and satisfaction. The maiden flight was a success.

Post-Flight Reflection

With the Catalina safely back on the ground, I took a moment to reflect on the flight. The model had performed beautifully, living up to and even exceeding my expectations. The stability and ease of control made it a joy to fly, and the scale details added a layer of immersion that truly set this model apart.

I also considered a few improvements for future flights. While the grass takeoff and landing were smooth, I was eager to try the Catalina on water. The plane’s amphibious design meant that it was built for both land and water operations, and experiencing a water takeoff and landing was high on my list. Additionally, fine-tuning the CG and control surface settings could further enhance the flight performance.


Flying the Dynam PBY Catalina was an unforgettable experience. This model combines historical significance, scale realism, and excellent flight characteristics, making it a standout in any RC aircraft collection. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or a beginner, the Catalina offers a rewarding and enjoyable flying experience.

As I packed up my gear and headed home, I was already looking forward to the next flight. The sky is vast, and the opportunities for exploration with the Catalina are endless. From water landings to more advanced maneuvers, this model promises countless hours of enjoyment. For anyone passionate about RC aviation and historical aircraft, the Dynam PBY Catalina is a must-have.

In the end, it’s not just about flying an RC plane; it’s about connecting with a piece of aviation history and experiencing the joy and freedom that comes with taking to the skies. The Dynam PBY Catalina delivers on all fronts, making it a treasured addition to my fleet.

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