Myths and Stereotype

Myths and Stereotype
2 mn read

No nation on this planet has never been subjected to the ethnic stereotype, but the American Indians have been subjected to the suffering from it, and they may even be suffering more than the other people. Stereotypes and myths can bring harm to both the victims and the people who perpetuate them in society at large. The victims suffer from emotional distress, insecurity, anger, frustration, and also a feeling of hopelessness in them. Many of the American Indians children, who are exposed to the mainstream of the stereotype at an early age, always have low self-esteem which leads to the other problems that the American Indians are facing. Stereotype leads to discrimination when it’s assumed that he/ she is prone to violence and also alcoholism limits job vacancy. These make them be viewed as unstable economically hence making it difficult for them to succeed and enjoy the benefits like the non-Indians, e.g., obtaining credits, etc.

Dispelling the myths and stereotypes in society has a greater benefit both to the community and to the specific individuals. Some of the benefits include: it is essential in strengthening the collaboration in the working relationships with the indigenous community. Dispelling the myth also reflects on the way privileges, and stereotypes create impacts the relationships and work. Lastly, dispelling the stereotype and myths will help in instilling anti-oppressive, decolonizing methods and ideologies in our lives and the workplaces.

In life, there are many stereotypes, and I was once a victim. I was climbing a mango tree in our compound when I slipped and fell off. I lost consciousness and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the hospital my legs wholly bandaged. Everyone deserted me apart from my mother who sat there weeping all through since the doctor told her that there are high chances I will be a cripple. I was lonely and no one to talk to apart from my mother. From that moment, I realized that stereotypes and myths are a greater challenge to society.

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